Looking north while ascending the south ridge of Mt. Baldy 10,000'
Winter mountaineering in southern California isn't quite the same as in Wyoming. I had to make this trip immediately after a westerly
storm blew through, before all the snow melted. As you can see,
the trees are plastered on their west sides with snow/ice. Even during the storm the temperature was hovering around freezing
and the snow didn't know whether to fall to the ground or melt on the tree. Avalanche hazards do exist however. While ascending
San Gorgonio on the north side during Memorial Day weekend
I hiked by the remains of an ice avalanche that had scoured
the north slope down to bare dirt. In front were boulders and trees that had been pushed down the slope. The slope itself was moderate.
Too bad I didn't have the presence of mind
to take pictures but perhaps I was busy finding a different route.
"He who takes pictures of summit sunsets may spend the night on the summit."