Ye Olde Approach Hike


For thousands of years humanity has been trying to avoid work and especially pulling and carrying things. Decadent westerners have succeeded so well that they have forgotten what they were trying to avoid in the first place.

Most people in Asia still remember what the game is about.

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The middle east has more Toyotas than camels but their memory is still fresh.

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In South America lamas are popular.

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Horses and machines are used in the Midwest.

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In Tibet a bit more hair is needed.

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In California a bit of reminding is necessary.
Say what you want about mountaineering being a fad.
It is never going to be all that popular.

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Image © Galen Rowell courtesy of Mountain Light Photography
The ultimate approach hike. Porters on their way to K2.
From Galen Rowell's book, "In The Throne Room of the Mountain Gods",
the story of the 1975 American K2 expedition.

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