Wilcox Peak 9463'

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Kane describes Wilcox Peak as having the best view
in the Rockies for the energy expended. Looking south,
across the Icefields Parkway, is Mt. Athabasca (L),
Mt. Andromeda (center), Columbia Icefield (R),
and the Athabasca Glacier (bottom).


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Southwest to Snow Dome, 11,340', the hydrologic
apex of North America. On this side is the start of the
North American Arctic Ocean watershed. On the right
rear is the start of the Pacific Ocean watershed. To the
left rear is the start of the North American Atlantic ocean watershed.


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To the WSW is Mt. Kitchner, 11,499'. Statistically only one
day out of four is clear at the Columbia Icefield. These photos
were shot before the clouds moved in and the view was lost.


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SE down the Icefields Parkway toward Sunwapta Pass.


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West to Nigel Peak 10,535'.


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While hiking from Wilcox Pass to Wilcox Peak we
passed lots of nonchalant bighorn sheep.

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